Category Archives: Artstuff

On Hiatus

Thanks to everyone who has supported me these past few years through some art fits and starts. As of last year the site is more or less officially shuttered as I embark on a career at Google with great excitement. Who knows where life will take me, however, and life may turn back to art […]

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Been spending the last 2 weeks sketching in an attempt to get my drawing skills back up to par. Endless stock images and educational anatomy books!

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In the interests of making room for new work and getting a fresh start, any work not currently listed as “Sold” in the gallery is for sale for 25-50% off listed price. Please contact me with the name of the piece you’re interested in and we can negotiate the details. UPDATE: A few of the […]

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Glass Blowing Survey at BAGI

This past Sunday I took a glass blowing survey class at the Bay Area Glass Institute. Large scale (‘hot shop’) glass work has always been very appealing to me because of the parallels it shares with my canvas pieces: You choose ‘what’ you’re making, you decide ‘why,’ you plan ‘how,’ but then you have to […]

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Things Afoot

Refreshed, refocused, renewed, and re-energized. Works in progress and a clearer outlook.

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Since Last Time

New art soon and an update on where I’ve been.

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New Piece

A new painting up in the gallery, “Flood.” The new studio area is excellent, plenty of drawers and cupboards for supplies and a bit more surface space. I’ve got 2 new pieces going at the moment, so stay tuned!

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New Work and News from Tapino

New art incoming and Tapino Kitchen and Wine Bar is hosting the next Palette to Palate!

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New Work and Getting It Out There

Now that the new pieces are up in the gallery, I’ve gone and finished some more. 5 additional pieces are waiting to be photographed and at least 3 of them will make it in to the gallery! Most of what I’m painting right now is full of reds… obviously I’m wishing it were warmer. On […]

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Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a good 2008; I’m back in the studio and painting away with gusto… working to make 2009 the year of the abstract! I’ve got a web update all ready to be posted with the pieces that were sold at Palette to Palate and have another 2 brand new pieces from 2009 to […]

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  • Abstract Art by Alexandra FitzGerald


  • Alexandra FitzGerald
    Abstract Fine Artist

    Thank you for your interest. Digital and physical portfolios are available upon request via email or telephone. Most pieces displayed here are for sale, prices are listed with each painting if available. Information regarding prints and shipping can be requested via email.

    Alexandra is also available for commission abstract work, please email or telephone for a quote.

    Santa Clara, CA | Scottsdale, AZ
    Tel: 408.516.6393 | Email

    View Resume
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  • Link To Us

    Please use the image below to link to us. Abstract Fine Art by Alexandra Fitzgerald | Imago Abstracts


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